Getting Over The Flu During Pregnancy

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The worst thing that can happen to you during a completely healthy pregnancy is getting the flu.  However it was bound to happen.  So many people are always sick around you and as much as you try to avoid them and try to stay healthy, it is just not something you can get away from.  Sooner or later you will catch the bug and get sick.  The Flu is a horrible horrible thing.  Especially when you cannot take any medication to make you feel better or even get better at a normal pace.  You feel like crap, you look like crap ... lets just hope you don't smell like crap too lol.

I had tried to avoid getting the flu during my entire pregnancy and succeeded to a certain point.  My husband and Mother in law even got the flu and I survived.  Everyone felt better, there was no signs of sickness anywhere and I was due in 2-3 days.  I started to sneeze and cough!  Somehow I had caught the flu from somewhere ... when I had never even left the house in a week and a half.  The most horrible feeling in the world.  So I thought ... I have to get better before this baby decides to want out.  I started to think up all those home remedies my grandmothers always told me about and my mom.  I was lucky my mom is really big on home remedies and lives by them.  And now I know why.  They work!!  So here is what I did as a routine to get better in 2-3 days.

Every morning I would wake up and put some salt in a warm glass of water and gargle.  This kills all the germs in your mouth and throat and actually helps you feel like your throat is open again and you can talk and breath.

- Then I would go and have some hot oatmeal and some green tea.  Avoid any milky products .... they will only close up your throat even more and make you cough.  So no cereal.

- After breakfast I would pop a couple Tylenol to help me be a little more active during the day and be able to move around.  I took this twice a day.  It helps put down any fever you may have and give you more energy.

- I popped a chicken on the stove in some water and made myself some chicken broth to eat throughout the day.  Whenever I got hungry I just drank the clear soup and had the chicken inside.  It tastes awesome when you have a whole bunch of veggies in there with some lemon and pepper.  Yum!  This gives you alot of energy and makes you feel a lot better.  Trust me!

- In the middle of the day I would do some Salt water gargles again to kill any germs that may have got built up during the day.

- For dinner I would have something soft but warm... Pasta is my go to sick food for some reason.  Maybe because it has no rough edges and it doesn't hurt my throat going down.  And plus it tastes awesome =)

- As an evening snack ... believe it or not ... a boiled egg is the best thing you can do for your throat.  A soft boiled egg with salt and pepper helps sooth your throat alot. 

- Before bed I would make sure I make some green tea and drink that.   15-20 min later I would go and salt water gargle after i brushed my teeth and hit the bed.  

- Also right before I went to sleep I would take the Vicks vaporub bottle... and just leave it open beside my bed so I get a slight scent of it all through the night.  It helps you breath a little better so that you can get some rest.  If my nose is super clogged and wont let me sleep ... the Breath Right nose strips can do wonders.  I would pop that on and I was good to go.  

3 days of this and I was all better =)  Or at least 90% better and able to function like a normal person.  Try it out ... it actually works and you aren't taking anything that's bad for you either so there's no harm.  =)


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