Pregnancy Skin Routine

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pregnancy … as exciting as it is … makes your skin do things you really don’t like.  During my pregnancy my skin got extremely dry all over my body but my face was super oily.  I started to notice bags under my eyes even though other people kept telling me I looked great.  I had to one up my skin routine and do regular maintenance throughout my pregnancy and I am sure I will need to continue after the baby is born. 

I love Lush products.  They are natural, chemical free and do wonders for your skin.  The first thing I did was stock up on my complete face regimen.  And it helps a lot that the products you buy are pretty much customized for your skin type.  So depending on how your skin is behaving during your pregnancy, you can mix and match different products that end up doing miracles for your skin.  The products I have used on a regular bases and will continue even after my pregnancy are:

1.    Tea Tree Toner Tab
For a deep clean once a week I boil water in a pot, pop one tab into it and put a towel over my head over the pot for about 5-10 min.  Once done you just pat your face down with a towel.  This will open up your pores and you will sweat out any gunk stuck inside.

2.    BB  Seaweed Fresh Face Mask
This thing is awesome.  Only lasts about 3 weeks and you HAVE to keep it in the fridge because its fresh.  I just pop this on after I cleanse my face with the toner tab and leave it on for 15 min.  Its relaxing.

3.    Dark Angel Face Wash
This is the best face wash I have ever used.  Its black which throws a lot of people off and makes them think twice about buying it but trust me… once you get over the colour its great.  It helps you neutralize the oils on your skin and keeps your face oil free for most of the day and also keeps your skin exfoliated and free of acne.

4.    Tea Tree Water Toner
This toner keeps your skin oil free and refreshed throughout the day.  You can keep it with you and spray it on your face as you need it however I just spray it on my face before I put moisturizer and that does the trick.

5.    Vanishing Cream Moisturizer
I use this right after I spritz my face with the toner while it’s still wet.  You can see the difference in your skin right away after the moisturizer gets absorbed into the skin.  This one small tub of moisturizer will probably last you at least 6 months.  It’s amazing. 

Now that my skin is all clean, shiny and brand new I jump into the shower and use my Lush Sugar Scrub to exfoliate my skin and get rid of any dead skin.  Then I pop on my Dial Vanilla Honey body wash on my loofa and wash off the scrub.  It smells amazing and keeps your skin moisturized. 

Once I’m done my shower, before I leave my steamy hot bathroom, I grab my Aveeno Stress Relief Moisturizing Lotion and put that on.  This is by far the best body lotion I have ever used.  Use it on dry skin for 3 days and you will notice the hugest difference in your skin.  It’s amazing!
And of course there is my Bio-oil to prevent stretch marks.  I put it on my belly every morning and evening and thankfully I hardly have any stretch marks =) and I’m less than a week away from my due date. 

Once out of the bathroom … I run to the freezer and grab an ice cube, put it in a paper towel and rub it on my face for a min or so to close up my pores.  You will feel your skin tightening up right away and keeps your skin feeling fresh and clean all day under all that makeup.  

So there you have it ... thats everything.  And I have been super successful in keeping my skin looking good.  Try it out and let me know if it all works out for you.  =)


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