Crunch Time

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

So its crunch time.  Today is February 11th and that means that the baby is going to be here at least as early as 9 days.  Yes … I am aware of the “it can happen at any time” situation as well.  I’m new to this and I may also be extremely clueless as to what’s about to come at me once this baby is here.  I get very conflicted emotions when I think about it.  It’s obviously the most exciting situation of my life after getting married to my awesome husband =) but I am also freaking out every min of the day.  Thinking about what happens between now and when the baby is born scares me.  As I’m sure it does all other first time pregnant women.  When I planned to get pregnant and it finally actually happened, I never really thought about what was going to happen next.  I thought … awesome… I’m pregnant!  Without giving it a second though or stopping to think what will happen next now that I AM pregnant.  Seeing everyone around me getting pregnant made the process look easy.  But what I didn't expect (but somehow always knew was going to be this way) was all the stress and the frustration that comes with being pregnant.  

Thankfully I have had a very good pregnancy so far.  I didn't gain more weight than I should have.  I didn't feel sick or have any symptoms of being pregnant until I actually started to gain a little belly and started to not be able to do things … like sleep … and put on my shoes lol.  And that didn't start till month 7 and a half.  So I am very thankful. 

Being the kind of active person I am … I have a hard time not being able to do things.  And that’s what has frustrated me the most during this whole process.  I don’t like to complain and I don’t like asking for help … but being pregnant … it gives you no choice.  There are just certain things you can’t … or shouldn't do and if you can’t do it… someone’s has to do it and do it right.  My poor husband, he’s actually been doing an awesome job at trying to keep my craziness at bay.  And has also gotten used to my lists!

So now that I only have a scheduled 9 days to go before my due date, my stress level is slightly high.  Not because of the things I need to do… because I’m crazy and have been overly prepared for about a month now.  It’s because I have never done anything like this before.  And when I say I have never … I really mean I have actually never been in a situation where I have been in a hospital… for anything (thankfully).  I have never even had my wisdom teeth surgery and have not had a single stitch on my body.  It scares me going to the hospital and even seeing someone I know is there.  Hopefully I won’t freak out when things actually start to happen. 

Honestly, I am a true believer in going with the flow.  Up until now I have stayed clear of other people’s horror stories and experiences.  I don’t want to know how bad you situation was or even how easy you had it.  If everyone’s experience is always different than I would rather make my own experience be the only experience in my brain.  I will over think it and make it worse than it is in my own head and I’ll be fine.  But going into something with other people’s bad experiences in your head is just asking for paranoia and panic.  As long as the nurses and the doctors are helpful enough to keep me grounded and I have my husband with me things should go at least less scary than what my brain is making it out to be.  And I am perfectly okay with that. 

So after all that being said … 9 days is not a long time, and I’m waiting … 
wish me luck!  =)


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