
Thursday, June 20, 2013

I realized today that if it wasn't for my little baby girl I would have had the most horrible morning ever.  The chain of unfortunate events that took place just on my drive to work today would have made my day miserable.  I almost got run over by a truck.  Saw a poor girl and her dog almost get hit by a car.  Old man cut me off and hit the breaks in front of me.  I hit every broken traffic light in the city while I was running late for work.  Got to work and realized I had left something important back at work.  And on top of all that I had a serious after effects of a stomach bug.  But because I have learnt how to keep calm and not to let things bother me and ruin my mood, I am still as happy as I was when I left home this morning.  Its so surprising how a little baby can teach you so much in such a little amount of time.  If I had not spent the last 4 months of my life trying to stay calm through the crying fits and the insane lack of sleep I would probably be a crab right now.   Since my amazing baby girl has made me so patient I have so far had a very good productive work day and am super excited to go home soon and hang out with my family.  
Babies are a blessing =)


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